“Who Says You Can’t: Strategies and Tactics for Becoming a More Creative Criminal Defense Lawyer,” published by the National Association of Criminal Defense.

Jon May has published numerous articles dealing with topics as diverse as statutory construction and the First Amendment. These include:
The Verdict, June 27, 2022
“Sentencing: The Trial Practice of the 21st Century”
(with Edward R. Shohat, Monique Garcia, and David Weinstein). It was published in the Champion, the magazine of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, in their annual White Collar Crime edition on October 13, 2021.
“Non-Prosecution, Deferred Prosecution, and Pre-Trial Diversion Agreements: Just Say No to Pleas,”
The Champion, March 2022.
“Admitting Email into Evidence,”
the Champion, September/October 2017.
the Champion, Nov. 2012.
“The New British Invasion, Will the UK Bribery Act of 2010 Eclipse the FCPA?”
The Champion, March, 2012.
“Attorney’s Fees and Government Forfeiture,”
The Champion, April 2010.
“Money Laundering Defense After Santos and Regalado Cuellar,”
The Champion, Sept., 2008, with Barry Boss and Matt Swerdlin.
“Advising the Grand Jury Witness: When Talk is Not Cheap,”
The Champion, May/June 2008, reprinted in Criminal Justice Magazine, Spring 2008, and “The Best Articles Published by the ABA,” GP Solo, Sept. 2008.
“Helping Jurors Understand What Instructions Don’t: the Law.”
The Champion, Jan./Feb. 2008.
By Jay Heinrichs, Book Review, The Champion, Jan./Feb. 2008.
“Deconstructing Daubert, Rule 702 and Non-Scientific Evidence,”
The Champion, June 2007.
The Champion, Sept./Oct., 2006.
“Statutory Construction: Not for the Timid,”
The Champion, Jan./Feb. 2006.
“Staying Luce,”
The Champion, Nov. 2003.
Below articles are available from Jon May directly. Please Contact Us.
“Corporate Criminal Liability and the Threat to Civil Liberties,”
Stetson Law Review, Fall, 2012.
“Are U.S. corporations becoming the world’s police?”
Daily Business Review, August 15, 20n.
“Countering Hindsight Bias in White Collar Prosecutions,”
Criminal Justice Magazine, Fall 2006.
“Freedom of the Press and the Right to a Fair Trial: Accommodating Competing Interests,”
9 Communications Lawyer 3, Winter 1991.
“Foreign Criminal Investigation and Access to U.S. Records under 28 U.S.C. Section 1782,”
1 International Quarterly, Oct. 1989.
“Pretrial Detention: Turning a Shield into a Sword,”
The Champion, Nov. 1986.
“Pinkerton v. United States Revisited: A Defense of Accomplice Liability,”
8 Nova Law Journal 21, Fall 1983.
“The Use of Post Arrest Silence for Impeachment,”
Florida Bar Journal, April 1983.
“Attacking Presumptions in the Criminal Trial,”
Florida Bar Journal, April 1981.
“Failures and Foibles from the C-Suite to the DOJ,”
LinkedIn, April 7, 2021.
“When the Wolves are at the Door: How to respond to a government search of your offices,”
April LinkedIn, April 14, 2021.
“Fighting Corporate Crime: If you don’t listen to your Employees, the Government will,”
LinkedIn, May 20, 2021.
“Are Prosecutors Brady Blind,”
LinkedIn, August 25, 2021.
Plea Bargaining,
30th Annual Federal Bar Association Sentencing Guidelines Seminar September, 3, 2021.
Ethics and Fees,
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Second Annual Defending Drug Cases Seminar, Las Vegas (Nov. 19-20, 2009).
The Seven Principles of Effective Plea Bargaining,
San Antonio Bar Association Seminar, Cutting Edge Criminal Defense (Nov. 2007). State Sponsored Kidnaping of Fugitives, International Bar Association, Seminar on.
The Alleged Transnational Criminal,
Madrid, Spain (May 30, 1993).
Responding to Subpoenas for Information from Bank Secrecy Countries,
American Bar Association, Money Laundering Enforcement Update Seminar, Miami (Sept. 27, 1991).
Foreign Criminal Investigation and Access to US Records Under 28 U.S.C. 1782,
American Bar Association, Seminar on International Law and Practice, Los Angeles and New York (Feb.-March 1989).
Head of State Immunity,
Hispanic National Bar Association National Conference, Miami (Oct. 5, 1996).
Pretrial Motion Practice in Federal Cases,
Florida Bar (April-May 1988). Good Faith, Florida Bar, Search and Seizure Update, (Dec.-Jan. 1985).